2 definitions by rolo1

The act of filtering your homepage on Facebook, due to "friends" who are too involved w/ posts, status updates, quizzes, silly games, bragging, etc...
I felt obligated to accept an old acquaintance's friend request, but I soon realized I would need to facefilter her activity because of all of her annoying updates and posts.
by rolo1 July 13, 2009
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The phony outrage that is used to drum up support for or against a particular stance/view/statement. Usually used on both sides of the political spectrum, but mostly by the conservatives. A very cheap attempt at scoring political points.
Sarah Palin sure is over-working the phoutrage about David Letterman's jokes.

The phoutrage from the McCain/Palin camp about the "lipstick on a pig" comment is really laughable.
by rolo1 July 13, 2009
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