10 definitions by rockthejordan

something you never do.
You never go ass to mouth
by rockthejordan September 18, 2006
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a large necked animal that lives primarily in africa. It preys on eagles, hawks, parrots, and other birds. A common misconception is that giraffes use their long necks to eat leaves. However they actually use them to scope out birds nests in the tops of trees. Their horns are used for stabbing hawks out of the air (they are often worn down to stumps from killing hundreds of hawks/eagles.) They are responsible for the endangerment of many birds (most notably bald eagles and the california condors).`
Tourist: There are a lot of eagles in this area.
Park Ranger: Yep, the giraffes have migrated for the season.
by rockthejordan June 22, 2006
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International Baccalaureate. It's created to establish the delicate line between intellectuals and riff raff. It's tough, but gives such high lying, cheating, bull shitting, and speaking abilities that it really doesn't matter what you learned, you can sound like you learned everything. Not all IB students are superior to Non-IB students but the average IB students is a much better student and, indeed, person then the average non IB student. The average IB students is elitist, but will probably be your boss/senator/owner later in life.
Riff Raff: Yo son, you aint such hot shit, i is gunna be a rapper fo realz.
IB: Wow, I can't believe my future tax dollars will pay for your numerous offspring.
by rockthejordan February 2, 2007
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