4 definitions by riverskipper

Holden has a 0.000000001 mm wang. he is a wanghead. Nobody likes him and he is loud. You know he comes for dat booty
Holden is the biggest wang
by riverskipper October 23, 2018
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A person who tells somebody not to do something or do something, then proceed to do the opposite. Also known as grade 8´s.
Person 1: No playing video games! Person 1 plays video games. Person 2: You are such a hypocrite.
by riverskipper January 7, 2019
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A kid who has crushes on girls but says he doesn't
Gage has a crush on Rachel but he denies it
by riverskipper October 25, 2018
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Is soup mean. Also has small wang
Its a jerryy
by riverskipper October 23, 2018
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