2 definitions by rileym

First cum on your partner's chest and rub it from the vagina to the throat in a straight line. Next you must pick up your partner's legs and stand like you picked up a wheelbarrow that was behind you. Shit a little above the vagina and watch your turd rocket down her chest, ramp up her throat and land on her face.
Ted: Hey Joe, I landed a ski jump in your Diane's mouth last tuesday!

Joe: Wow, you must have been practicing for a long time.
by rileym September 27, 2006
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First cum on your partner's chest and rub it from the vagina to the throat in a straight line. Next you must pick up your partner's legs and stand like you picked up a wheelbarrow that was behind you. Shit a little above the vagina and watch your turd rocket down her chest, ramp up her throat and land on her face.
Ted: Hey Joe, I landed a ski jump in your Diane's mouth last tuesday!

Joe: Wow, you must have been practicing for a long time.
by rileym September 29, 2006
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