49 definitions by rick james

High quality German toy, known for it's attention to detail and being realistic. Sometimes confused with Lego (who's quality is inferior to Playmobil).
My Playmobil is better than your crappy broken Legos!
by rick james January 1, 2005
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is a redneck adonis; white-trash-fabio; a fat long haired nerd that can have his pick of the litter out of the whole trailer park; sometime called 'turd'
by rick james April 13, 2004
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racist, but for people from other times instead of people of other races.
Stop being timist stan.
by rick james May 15, 2004
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Pulling the blankets or a pillow over a girl's face so you don't have to look at her.
Rick got drunk and hooked up with a real butterface, but he doggy bagged that shizzle, so it's all good.
by rick james March 25, 2004
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probably the greatest sexual maneuver known to man. the other definition tells why.
Jake performed the He-man last week to this one girl. Yea...Jake.
by rick james January 27, 2005
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a person that calls people words that end with "ist" such as timist, racist, sexist, ect.
"your a goobag."
"well, your a timist."
"I will not tolerate you istist comments."
by rick james May 17, 2004
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