1 definition by rhubarb the bemused

the ninth starsign of the western zodiac.

if you are born 23rd November-21 December then you are a sagittarius.

OBVIOUSLY the BEST sign of the zodiac.

sagittarians are often highly intelligent, adventurous and curious. They are cultural and often have a keen eye for fashion and trends. they are pretty clumsy and can seem blunt and insensitive at times, but really they are just speaking the truth, and are often very thoughtful and philosophical.

Symbol: The Archer
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Numbers: 6, 9
Colours: indigo, violet, deep pink

Celebs born on th sign of sagittarius
Steven Speilberg
Winston Churchhill
Jane Austen
Jimi hendrix
Tyra Banks
Christina Aguilera
by rhubarb the bemused June 18, 2007
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