1 definition by rekoj30021170

it actually surprised me how i couldn’t find a definition for chelsey, i mean the best ones end in a y. pretty much they’re too good for this world. they’re cute and funny and compassionate and smart and stunning. they’ll be there for anyone, no matter how much of a cunt you are or are being. they’re amazing like that. they have the biggest hearts out of everyone you’ll ever know. they’re so amazingly beautiful that they brighten up every room, as well as your day and your life. if you’re ever so god damn lucky to every meet one, don’t lose them. treat them how they deserve, look no one can cos they deserve more than the world can ever offer, but you will try the absolute best you can cos losing this perfect girl will be the stupidest mistake of your life.
wow you see that beautiful girl
i bet she’s called chelsey
by rekoj30021170 June 2, 2019
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