18 definitions by redPooka

When a man actively pursues relations with women known for frequent indiscriminate acts of sexual intercourse.
My buddy went skank fishing last week and returned home with a big mess of crabs.
by redPooka April 7, 2013
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To justify a failure by blaming somebody else.

A person who is a sorrowful example of something.
(noun) He bidencused his conviction for robbery on witness testimony.

(verb) She's a fine bidencuse of a girlfriend!
by redPooka June 20, 2022
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The temporary blindness or other visual problems that occur from trying to read hardly discernible product disclaimers on TV ads.
I can't see the program for this lingering disclaimer blindness!
by redPooka September 2, 2012
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The lean week before pay day when the main groceries left in the pantry consists of Ramen soup and/or peanut butter.
Kids, you better enjoy this stew now because Ramenbutter Week starts Monday!

Leave it to my in-laws to pick Ramenbutter Week to come for a visit.
by redPooka March 20, 2011
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When the last few slips of toilet paper cling fast to the cardboard roll and even the most gentle attempts to remove for use results in shredding of the tissue. This situation typically happens when the roll involved also happens to be the only roll left in the home, public restroom or other place of porcelain facility use.
Just before my trip to the store the neighbors stopped by, so of course I was a victim of cardboard cling.
by redPooka March 20, 2011
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Descriptive term derived from the base words, "Snooki" and "Stella".

A loud, obnoxious woman, usually of limited intellectual capacity, whose primary concerns are partying, getting drunk and being the center of attention.
Your snookirella cousin just called asking for bail.

I can't believe they invited that snookirella!
by redPooka April 3, 2011
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Derived from the word "gal", as in woman and the terms, "biceps" and "triceps".

Any defined muscles on a man located above the naval that have been purposely removed of hair, leaving a smooth appearance similar to a woman's legs after shaving or waxing.
He'd be sexy if it weren't for those silly galceps.

Why are all the Romance covers plastered with galceps?
by redPooka April 3, 2011
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