1 definition by red442joe

A collection of anecdotal information. Similar to data, a collection of factual information.

The plural of anecdote is not data, it is dota. Pronounced with a long "O" sound like go or no.

Collection of stories, understanding, impressions, ideas that lead one to have a belief of what the facts will be.

Information gathered from many internet sources giving numbers/figures/measurements that are similar for a given item, yet not recognized by the manufacturer of that item.

Information that can be used to estimate, or gives an impression of a trend, but is not factual data.
"Every one says that is a good place to get a 5 dollar meal." That is anecdotal information. Receipts from several meals is data. Many people saying they got a meal for about five dollars is Dota about the price of a meal there.

The manufacturer says that powder is not recommended for reloading that cartridge. Many posters on the internet are using a given amount of powder to reload that cartridge. Assembling all the information people post is Dota, not data.
by red442joe March 16, 2014
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