2 definitions by red+blue

The feeling of frustration (sexual or otherwise) which comes as a result of being separated from one's loved one by distance. The condition of frustrosis is generally only cured by the reunification of those in love.
As of late August, Si and Ju have been geographically separated following a foolish decision by Si to move to Canada. This has led to the development of Frustrosis for both parties, which is incurable by anything other than being together, preferably in close proximity. This is expected to occur in the near future.
by red+blue January 1, 2007
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The feeling of frustration (sexual or otherwise) which comes as a result of being separated from one's loved one by distance. The condition of frustrosis is generally only cured by the reunification of those in love.
As of late August, Si and Ju have been geographically separated following a foolish decision by Si to move to Canada. This has led to the development of Frustrosis for both parties, which is incurable by anything other than being together, preferably in close proximity. This is expected to occur in the near future.

by red+blue December 29, 2006
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