2 definitions by rebel77

a shortened version of By The Way
Instant Messaging Conversation:
Person1:Hey, do you know when that big project is due?
Person2:I don't know, but I think Thursday
Person1:Alright. btw, when is that movie playing tonight that you wanna go see?
by rebel77 March 3, 2006
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1)Somebody that thinks that Punk is a fashion statment instead of a way of life

2)Somebody who listens to only Good Charlotte, Blink 182, Green Day's American Idiot, etc and walks around saying "OMFG!! Listen to this stuff! It's the best punk I've ever heard!" And doesn't even know what Anarchy is.

3)a poser
wannabe Punk's:"OMFG!! Good Charlotte is on!! They are like the most effin best punk pnk band there is!! AHH!! My black nail polish is coming off again!
by rebel77 March 3, 2006
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