1 definition by raa_pikachu

The speaking pattern that the Wapanese use to sound
knowledgeable about the Japanese language. In Japanglish,
Japanese words are usually thrown into English sentences,
most commonly being words such as "kawaii", "otaku", and
"baka", which are often spelled incorrectly. Sometimes, a
Wapanese may attempt to create a Japanese sentence,
which is also usually spelled and punctuated wrong, most
likely due to the effects of trying to half-heartedly learn
Japanese by watching anime. Japanglish is often exceedingly
irritating to the non-Wapanese, aka, those who are not socially incapable.
Example of Japanglish:

i love sialor moon! she is so kawai desu yo!! *^-^*
by raa_pikachu February 10, 2007
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