1 definition by queenofthefuture

An incredibly beautiful soul. Sensitive, but thoughtful and generous. Amazing friend to all, although one only finds this out once they get to know Lucy. Very shy and self-conscious, although she hates this about herself and warms up to people once they show interest in a friendship. Super loyal friend and very trustworthy, and values friendship over most things. She is determined, and thrives off of cleanliness and being organised. Lucy is a sweet girl who just wants to be loved by all, and works very hard (behind the scenes) to be liked. She is very sensitive, but only because she highly values the opinions of others. You are lucky to have a Lucy as a friend. Once you show any interest in being friends with a Lucy, you will be pleasantly surprised about how much your life changes in a positive way. Don't let a Lucy down, she works way too hard to genuinely not let you down.
You will never meet someone better than a Lucy.
You would be lost without a Lucy in your life.
by queenofthefuture July 24, 2018
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