2 definitions by q1azw2sxe3dcr4fvt5gby6hnu7jmi8

when you are so bored that you start with the top letter on the keyboard, then press the number above it, proceeding to also press the two letters underneath the first letter
*you* I'm so bored. *types in q1azw2sxe3dcr4fvt5gby6hnu7jmi8k,o9l.p0;/-'*
by q1azw2sxe3dcr4fvt5gby6hnu7jmi8 November 9, 2021
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when you are fucking horribly bored in your 3rd period class that you make this zigzag rectangle pattern. if you see this get to your work and finish that missing assignment NOW!
clown 1 "bro i was so bored in class that i typed qwsazxerfdcvtyhgbnuikjnmop;l./" clown 2 "lets go in the bathroom bro i gotta fat blunt 4 us"
by q1azw2sxe3dcr4fvt5gby6hnu7jmi8 January 19, 2023
Get the qwsazxerfdcvtyhgbnuikjnmop;l./ mug.