3 definitions by purple butterfly

One who tickles too much, in a fun but loving way to show affection ( love)
Tim is a tickleshmuck
by purple butterfly April 4, 2020
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A person who tickles a lot, a sign of affection, too show they love you by tickling so much.
Bob is a tickleshmuck because he loves me.
by purple butterfly April 4, 2020
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A rarely occuring phenomenon that can contain alot of energy but has no authority and tends to hide away from view making it hard to find. When the phenomenon does occur its is only for a very short amount of time and then leaves for different reasons.

A person who is very whipped and controlled by their significant other and tends to forget those around it, causing it to fail on many of its responsibilities.
Dude your girlfriend has you whipped like a maximus.

Hey I here we may see a maximus tonight around 9.
by purple butterfly May 27, 2011
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