2 definitions by pseudunnit

Something that everyone wants, but it never happens.
Also a response by Herefordians for literally anything.
1) Are you ever going to get that new phone!? It's just like Hereford bypass
2a) What do you think of the traffic today? Bypass.
2b) How was the school run? Bypass.

2c) Did you get to your wedding on time? We really need a bypass.
by pseudunnit September 23, 2020
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Something that everyone wants, but it never happens.
Also a response by Herefordians for literally anything.
1) Are you ever going to get that new phone!? It's just like Hereford bypass
2a) What do you think of the traffic today? Bypass.
2b) How was the school run? Bypass.

2c) Did you get to your wedding on time? We really need a bypass.
by pseudunnit September 23, 2020
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