11 definitions by projectaristotle

noun. a person who hasn't seen any episodes of a hit television series, who becomes an outcast in social and work situations since they cannot comment and the others do not want to spoil it.
Person 1: Has anyone seen Joseph?
Person 2: He's a tv outcast today since he didn't see the Breaking Bad finale last night.
by projectaristotle September 30, 2013
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any pair of pants specifically designed for outdoor activities, such as hiking, trekking, camping, etc... usually available at recreational supply stores.
We're hiking Mt. Whitney tomorrow! Don't forget your adventure pants!
by projectaristotle July 6, 2011
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used to describe someone who is in an elevated state of panic, usually complaining about the actions of others.
Man, Billy's been on the bitch ever since he got in trouble at work.
by projectaristotle July 19, 2008
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abbreviation for Masters in Douche-Baggery. Title is granted, normally in an honorary fashion, to an individual who displays a pompous attitude or pretends to know everything about everything. Also added to the end of a name, similar to other titles.
John was clearly using his MDB while working with a client the other day.

Just another lame move by John Q Public, MDB.
by projectaristotle July 17, 2009
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