2 definitions by producer of starch

fucking stupid ass group of Kpop singers that are worshipped by obnoxious degenerate teenagers online, across various platforms like Discord, Reddit, Discord, Instagram, Discord, Snapchat, and Discord. Servers such as the Loona and the APStudents forums are particularly heavy in such fans.
Those fucking looneys are worshipping Loona in #general-1 again. Spamming GIFs and shit.
by producer of starch January 18, 2023
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A slang word used by beta teenagers in place of the traditional congratulatory or encouraging phrases we've all known and loved for decades. Often misunderstood, rightfully so due to lack of context for such a heinous interjection, as imperative for the recipient of the statement to commit murder, victims of which are sometimes unspecified/unimplied.
"I got into the Harvard summer program!"

"Omg slay"
by producer of starch January 29, 2023
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