5 definitions by pp123987

some random guy: "oh no, oh no, o-"
Kool-aid man: "OHHHH YEAHHHH"
some random guy: "wtf"
by pp123987 March 11, 2021
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Hey, you, you're finally awake.
You were trying to cross the border,

right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that

thief over there.

by pp123987 March 22, 2021
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You thought that your boredom would lead you to something creative by typing qplamznxkswoeijdcnurhfvbtyg, but you were wrong.
You:"I'm so bored, maybe I should type qplamznxkswoeijdcnurhfvbtyg!"
Me:I'm gonna stop you right there
by pp123987 December 3, 2020
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Don't say this to a thug or gangster that has a 9mm with them, or you will get shot.
man: Whoa, calm down, Jamal, don't pull out the 9.
thug: *shoots the man to death with said 9*
by pp123987 February 24, 2021
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A place that is horribly ridiculed, because of all the "trends", and I have to agree that these trends are trash, and I'm a user of it. There are good channels on TikTok, though. All in all, your watching experience is based off of what you like to watch, not all of it is weird, lame-ass trends.
Person 1: I like TikTok
Person 2: Fuck off with your lame ass trends that are always copied by someone else.
Person 1: not that side of TikTok, dipshit. I'm talking about the fun side of it.
Person 2:oh.
by pp123987 March 4, 2021
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