3 definitions by poorhiddenstashistan

if u crank it out to porn,tv,movies ect you are having H.H.T (happy hand time) also if you have hht while eating pop tarts you also may be considered to be a "poor man stan"
by poorhiddenstashistan June 15, 2011
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incredibly broke individual,with instead of a six pack,he has a keg with looks that could kill the undead who spends most of his time reading,playing video game,watching porn and has h.h.t. or eating poptarts
if you are broke,overweight, homely,read,play video games,watch porn and eat poptarts while u do it,you man be considered a POOR MAN STAN
by poorhiddenstashistan June 15, 2011
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a comedic middle aged man who is constantly looking for a shower buddy. a mr.g is a good person,just very horny

2.someone who doesnt get laid as often as they deserve
dude you pulled a mr.g
by poorhiddenstashistan June 15, 2011
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