1 definition by plznothanks

Stands for Not Safe For Master Race.

So NSFW (not safe for work) is usually for things which when surfing the internet one might not want to look at at work; mainly pornography.
But in order to distinguish gore from pornography there is also the acronym NSFL, not safe for life.
This means even if one is not in the work one might not want to look because it is disgusting

The name PC master race is a parody of nazis.
The subreddit is a parody of people who play console games.
Because they often think consoles are superior to PCs.

The MR in NSFMR stands for pc gaming masterrace

That is, NSFMR is something which is disgusting / disgusting / cringe / alien for people who are enthusiastic about PCs and PC gaming .
Check this pic I took of using a crescent wrench to install a new CPU. Definitely NSFMR
by plznothanks November 25, 2016
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