1 definition by plopst

An obscure word etymylogically unrelated to the slur it sounds like which had been falling out of favor for years, until racists in Texas put it into vocabulary books for edgy teenagers to use as a dogwhistle. Means cheap, but you know someone's intent when they use it amongst their otherwise wal-mart vocabulary.
Edgy kid 1: Hahaha check it out, I found a word that sounds like redacted
Edgy kid 2: lol let's go say it around black people and then clutch our pearls when they react negatively to a near-homophone of a slur historically used to disparage them
Edgy kid 1: Haha we're so cool man. Niggardly! Niggard! Niggardly! hahahahaha

That edgy kid grew up to be Steven Crowder. Also, the teacher got mega pwned, and then everyone clapped.
by plopst March 18, 2021
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