4 definitions by plopilpy

Person 1: Amogus.
Person 2: AMOGUS SUS!!?!?!?!?
Person 3: WTF AMOGUS
Person 4: OMG AMOGUS!!!
by plopilpy February 22, 2021
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A person of very low IQ.
Person 1:"Red Scorpion, TAG 63, and Tom Bown are all just a bunch of DONKS"
Person 2: "YEAH THEY ARE!!!"
Bown: "Okay"
by plopilpy November 17, 2020
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Person 1: Hey I'm going to coveryourselfinoil.com
Person 2: sus....
Person 3: I LOVE AMOGUs
Person 4: We need to bring back Haryie
Person 5: sus...
Person 6: Ogomggmogommogmogomgmogmogmo obama
Jankenmoot: If one of you say "sus...." one more time I swear to GOD I will delete this place
Person 1: sus....
by plopilpy February 22, 2021
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A funni man who does the funni poopoo fecalfunni. A very based individual.
Person 1: "Hey do you watch Vinesauce Joel?"
Person 2: "Yes, he is very humourous, most notably when he mentions fecal matter."
Person 1: "Wut"
by plopilpy October 26, 2020
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