1 definition by peterthefreshman

Goodpussy is a new-age word that reflects and agendas a high level of awareness. A mervelous, ecstatic, supreme state of being. Excellent, brilliant and even wonderful are good descriptions but they are still not enough to expain how you feel. Before the word goodpussy there was no way to accurately describe this deliriously delicious high we all hunger for.
1. Your doctor saying to you "No, you do not have cancer!"
2. A letter that comes in the mail anouncing you the winner in your state's lottery with your name on a check for $10,000,000.
3. If I were your friend and I loved you, the most and best that I could wish for you would be that you have a beautiful goodpussy life and a wonderful goodpussy day.
by peterthefreshman July 9, 2007
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