2 definitions by person with knowledge

Zoe Laverne fans that are all 8 or 9 years old. Not one fan is over the age of 14 and that is a fact. They are a very toxic “fandom” and very rude. They tell people to kill themselves and are very racist. Thinking it is ok to say the n word because it is just a word when it is not. One”zonut” went as far to make their own bible for Zoe Laverne and said it was ok to say the n word which is just plain and simple dumb and not ok. They are a overrated fandom and need to be cancelled immediately. They are mainly white girls (American/Caucasian whatever.) They need to be banned from Tiktok. They are waste of food and water. (From byebitchc.com on TikTok)
Some zonuts just said that it is ok for Zoe Laverne to say the n word but not black people.
by person with knowledge May 16, 2020
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A hoe who cheated, had sex while babysitting, bullied multiple fans, vaped, made sexual images, said the n word, flashed her live twice, her fans when to faking kidnapping “zonuts” or her fandom, told fans how to cut and vape, faked mental illness, held a gun to her head, which were choices and not mistakes, she also turned off her comments because she’a a pussy, and all in front of her extremely young fucked up audience. She is also as flat as a pancake.
Why isn’t Zoe Laverne cancelled again?!
by person with knowledge May 24, 2020
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