12 definitions by pedicabber

ELL (English Language Learning) students. PC term for what used to be ESL (English as a Second Language) students.
Serge, Carlos and Toshi skipped their ELL class today in favor of smoking a fatty.
by pedicabber May 22, 2005
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Born in Internet chat groups. Making prank calls to police and fire to respond to some made up emergency such as a hostage situation. Sometimes done to get back at someone. Sometimes done to see who can get the most police and fire to respond.
Ward told police she made the hoax call, known as "bombing" in some Internet circles, as part of a phone chat game.
by pedicabber April 18, 2005
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Transient culture term referring to any good place to hideout, stash a dufflebag or sleep. Most often someplace that others are unaware of.
Transient 1: "Have you seen Gary Johnson around today?"
Transient 2: "Nah, he's probably crashed out in his hidey hole."
by pedicabber May 21, 2005
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derogatory term used towards undocumented mexican aliens who snuck across the border, referring to them being wild animals.
Mira a los broncos en la carcancha. (Look at those illegals in that junker car.)
by pedicabber April 19, 2005
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To heckle or laugh at contemptuously. It comes from the word razzberry (raspberry), a sound of contempt made by protruding the tongue between the lips and expelling air forcibly to produce a vibration. Like what chimpanzees do.

What Duane said to his girlfriend when he got home from work after walking around all day with his zipper down.
Girlfriend: "How was your day at work today, Duane?"
Duane: "I got razzed by the guys again today."
by pedicabber April 19, 2005
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