37 definitions by pdxjohnny99

An insult telling someone you're going to fuck them in the ass.
Manny: Oh, shit dawg, that motherfucker was talkin' shit.
Korter: Fuck that!
Manny: There he is!
Korter approaches the person in question.
Korter: You wanna get crazy? I'll plug your rim, bitch!
by pdxjohnny99 April 13, 2013
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Derived from the phrase "As American as hot dogs and apple pie". Both hotdogs and Hip Hop were originated in America, Hip Hop started in the South Bronx.
Once there was a street artist who got busted by a cop. The intricate graffiti was displaying George W. Bush as a mass murderer, with a chainsaw, attacking cripples and little nerd children. And then the cop went ape shit. Or... pig shit.
Cop: This is filthy! Like a wall of... turds! Filthy! You're bashing The Dubbya.
Graf Writer: Its symbolic. It shows Bush killing all the innocents... with this war that cousin-fucking hillbilly started.
Cop: You little... spraypaintin'... turd! You are Un-American!! Bashin' the Dubbya!
Graf Writer: I'm as American as hot dogs and Hip Hop.
by pdxjohnny99 May 1, 2013
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1. When someone is masturbating and either an awful sound, smell, thought or sight suddenly disturbs the person, thus ending the masturbation process abruptly.

2. Whenever a masturbating session is disturbed.
A. Ray was masturbating when he unexpectedly thought about his neighbor's grandmother and completely lost his hard-on. It was masturbing.
B. Ray was masturbating in his car and, unexpectedly, his neighbor caught him. It was too masturbing for Ray to go on.
C. Ray was masturbating on the toilet when he unexpectedly heard his neighbor screaming in his sleep from night terrors. Ray was somewhat masturbed by this.
D. Ray was masturbating to online porn when, unexpectedly, he discovered his neighbor was watching him from the living room window again. Very masturbing.
by pdxjohnny99 April 18, 2013
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Someone that loves loves LOVES Converse All Stars shoes. The widely used nickname for a pair of Converse is Chucks, shortened from Chuck Taylor. Thus, they are a Chucklover.
Benny: I like your kicks, dood.
Baker: You know why I love Chucks so much? Because everyone wears them and they're still respected. They're like the Rolling Stones of sneakers. Or the Scarface of sneakers. Skaters wear them, Cholos wear them, thugs, taggers, rappers, punks, metal heads, graf writers, hipsters, nerdists, hippies, yuppies, celebrities, artists, gangbangers...
Benny: Dooood, I get it... they're widely respected.
Baker: Another reason I love Chucks is that they're immortal. Like vampires. They have stayed the same since their inception; for almost a hundred years, and they still look the same now. And in another hundred years they still won't change. When humans start colonizing on other planets... they'll be wearing Chucks just like ours.
Benny: Doooood. You are a...motherfucking... Chucklover.
by pdxjohnny99 May 23, 2013
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Any fan of zombie films, shows, books, games, etc. Usually in association with the post-Night of the Living Dead era, aka George Romero zombies, aka RomZoms; and not classic voodoo zombies.
Danny is a true zombite. He has every issue of the Walking Dead. He has every Romero film on vhs, laser disc, bluray and dvd.

But his Uncle Harold was the biggest zombite he ever met. Uncle Harold invented a sexual position called "zombie-style". He's divorced now.
Every Thanksgiving he would stuff the turkey with pig guts and fake blood and he and the children would tear the turkey apart with their barehands. He has lost custody of the children.
He used to fake-bite coworkers on the neck in bathrooms or elevators. He's now unemployed.
For two years straight he was first place in the state Zombie Run. Now he's banned because of doping.
by pdxjohnny99 April 18, 2013
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If a Courtesy Flush is flushing while still on the toilet (to eliminate odor for others' sakes), then a Decency Flush is simply flushing the toilet when done pooping... period.
Dear roommate: A 'courtesy flush' isn't required but a 'decency flush' kinda is. So please remember to flush after you shit your next hobbit. Okay, thanks.

Dear roommate: Found another shit show in the toilet today. Please refer to my last note... the whole 'decency flush' thing. Okay. Yeah. Thanks.

Dear roommate: Another hobbit found.

Dear roommate: Okay. Scratch the decency flush thing... moving on to 'mandated flush'. Please comply.

Dear roommate: I'm moving out. Not comfortable wearing this hazmat suit anymore.
by pdxjohnny99 June 24, 2013
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When people don't want to address, debate or offer solutions about the growing issue of the homeless in America.

Wordplay derived from "The elephant in the room" phrase: important issues or subject matter that people tend not to want to discuss, thus overlooking the isuue.

Redlight is a reference to a traffic light; homeless often stand at traffic lights to aquire money from passing drivers.
Michelle was driving home from work and saw a man with a cardboard sign at the taffic light on the corner of Cornell. The Redlight Elephant struck, she wanted to help but drove right by the man.

Jen and Mike were approached by three homeless coming out of the bookstore. They didn't hesitate to walk past without making eye contact. Neither addressed the Redlight Elephant on their walk to the car.
by pdxjohnny99 May 11, 2013
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