11 definitions by patrick w. crabtree

This is a direct reference to Hillary Clinton. The genesis of the word-phrase comes from 50s high school talk, a time when bouncing blonde bimbos were unaware of the fact that the word whore began with a W. Thus, one would overhear in the hallway, "Look at her, the little H!" So, ultimately, Hillary has come to fulfill the the void, The H. No doubt, the Republican Party will soon seize upon the phrase in a nationwide whispering campaign to their party workers to use "The H" when they refer to Hillary Clinton in public places.
I flipped on the tube and there was The H, giving Rumsfeld nine kinds of hell.
by patrick w. crabtree August 4, 2006
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A British time machine that malfunctions at every level of performance.
Given all the trouble that Doctor Who has controlling the Tardis' destinations, they should have called it the reTardis.
by patrick w. crabtree January 15, 2008
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Hillary Clinton's (rumored) actual Christian name before she had it changed for public relations reasons. It's also rumored that she had been dubbed by her high school peers as "The H".
"Did you hear Hilliary Clinton spin that tale about being under sniper fire when she landed in Bosnia? What a whopper!"
by patrick w. crabtree April 14, 2008
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A process of mass hypnosis whereby the general public is mentally mesmerized through the soft repetition of the words "change" and "hope". Victims of this manifestation become zombie-like non-thinking beings, all of whom gape and stare just as if they have been embalmed.
"You should have seen coming out of the voting booths, walking like Frankenstein and staring straight ahead -- clearly, some heavy-duty obalming has transformed them all from their normal, thinking selves."
by patrick w. crabtree April 14, 2008
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