2 definitions by parayeet

something super fun to say, but makes you sound like an idiot

even if no one knows what you're saying, it's still fun to say

when you're dabbing (which also makes you seem like an idiot but still fun to do), saying "yeet on that dab" can enhance your dab and/or make it look even more fun.

(also extremely cringey btw)
anya: hey grace, let's yeet on that dab !
anya: yeet.
by parayeet May 16, 2017
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a bird with an assortment of colors, usually ranging in green, yellow, and white

parakeets look dangerous, but just want to nuzzle their tiny head against your hand

pArayEeT, a pretty chill parakeet (parayeet)
wHoaaAaaAa look at that parakeet go! once it squawks, it can't stop!
by parayeet May 23, 2017
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