1 definition by pablo1771

the hardest and worst expierence ever. summer practices from 5:00-10:00am every day during the summer. tight ass shorts. no air conditioner. satanic lazy coach who bitches and forgets to give you water breaks. jumping in the air like a pixie on adic. some people think that it is an enjoyable sport, while in reality it is similar to old english exicution. possibly the next step up from hostile. while expierencing this sport, you take a trip to the depths of satans ass crack, where spandex and ice packs await you.
today at volleyhell practice, it was hotter in that gym than two rats screwing in a whool sock.

i wanted to smoke some major ganja last night, but i had to get up at 4:00 for volleyhell practice.

by pablo1771 April 12, 2008
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