2 definitions by p_levo

Toilet/WC based game involing 2 people (intimate)
One person sits on the toilet whilst another person straddles them. The first person dumps his/her first ship (feces). The second person then has to try and target the first ship. If successful that person lets out the exclamation "You sank my straddleship!" The game continues until all ships are sunk or bad wind forces a stalemate.
"Me and the missus had a wicked game of straddleships last night... I was a little bit ill so it was more like napalm"
by p_levo April 8, 2009
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The foul gas that emanates from ones anus thus having a certain shit waft.

'Shit gas' must not be mistaken for a 'fart' - 'shit gas' is far more potent and offensive.
One could say "What is that dreadful smell? It smells like 'shit gas'.
"I can smell 'shit gas', is that you Gary?"
"My god, what have you eaten? - Your 'shit gas' stinks.
by p_levo November 4, 2015
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