12 definitions by otaku killer

A symbol for happiness or joy. Derived from the cliched way that anime characters are drawn when they are happy. A favorite symbol of the Wapanese, fanboy, or otaku.
Wapanese: hai i saw an uberr l337 trigun hentai site and i saww kawaii piczz of the babezz ^_^.
by otaku killer June 14, 2003
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A type of adult anime or hentai which features characters (stereotypically and disturbingly young females) getting sexually violated by penis-shaped tentacles of a demon or mollusk or malfunctioning machine. Usually the tentacles produce an impossible amount of semen, and in some cases, the victim is fucked to death. How somebody can create or even get off on that shit is beyond all known logic.
Wapanese otaku are known to masturbate furiously to tentacle-rape hentai pics.
by otaku killer September 2, 2003
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A non-Japanese person who has an unhealthy obsession with anime or manga. See zealot, Wapanese, fanboy.
by otaku killer June 23, 2003
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Caucasian people who try desparately to imitate all things Japanese.
They are also the same type of people who treat a person's culture like a dollar-store rag.
Dragonball Z zealots and Final Fantasy addicts are perfect examples of the Wapanese.
by otaku killer May 20, 2003
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