2 definitions by op potato slayer

The Ultimate Drug Experience. Once completed, the user will feel as powerful as Thanos. In order to wield the gauntlet, one must be under the influence of the six stones at the same time.

Soul- Alcohol. One must get so drunk that they pour their very soul out to anyone who will listen.
Time- Weed. One must burn so much kush that they feel that time is coming to a standstill
Reality- LSD. One's own reality must be altered so much that they feel the ability to control all reality.
Space- MDMA. One must feel as if they are in a 90s rave. That much MDMA.
Mind- Shrooms. One must be able to unlock 100% of their brain power.
Power- Anabolic steroids- The strength of 100 men.

You won't feel so good when it all wears off
Peter was so high that he got the infinity gauntlet last night.
by op potato slayer May 17, 2018
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That one douche bag who you just want to punch in the fucking face when you see them.
Person 1: Ughhh, I have to be lab partners with Kyle this semester
Person 2: I fucking hate that guy
by op potato slayer April 15, 2015
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