2 definitions by oofok

Adjective, a word describing a person who does not identify with their birth sex characteristics. Because this word is an adjective (a word used to describe a noun), a transgender person shouldn’t be called “a transgender” or “transgendered”. Such examples of a transgender person include:

-A person who was born with a vagina and identifies as a male, is called an FTM (Female to Male) transgender person.
-A person who was born with a penis but identifies as a female, is an MTF (Male to Female) transgender person.

— When you meet a transgender person, do not ask them about SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) or HRT (hormone replacement therapy) unless they are comfortable with you asking them. Also there is no “one” surgery like “did you get THE surgery” There are numerous surgeries for transgender folk
— Do not ask a transgender person when they became trans, they didn’t become transgender because they always were transgender. Instead, ask them when they transitioned (physically), if they are comfortable with that question.
— If you want to know more about transgender people, don’t bother somebody who isn’t comfortable with you poking and prodding them, instead, watch some YouTube videos on the topic, they will answer more questions than you can think of.
trans woman- “Hello. I am a transgender woman and I would appreciate if you would treat me as a normal woman. I would not like the fact that I am transgender to get in the way of how you may perceive me, so just think of me as any other woman thank you.” (and vise versa)
by oofok February 18, 2018
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Adjective, a word describing a person who does not identify with their birth sex characteristics. Because this word is an adjective (a word used to describe a noun), a transgender person shouldn’t be called “a transgender” or “transgendered”. Such examples of a transgender person include:

-A person who was born with a vagina and identifies as a male, is called an FTM (Female to Male) transgender person.
-A person who was born with a penis but identifies as a female, is an MTF (Male to Female) transgender person.

— When you meet a transgender person, do not ask them about SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) or HRT (hormone replacement therapy) unless they are comfortable with you asking them. Also there is no “one” surgery like “did you get THE surgery” There are numerous surgeries for transgender folk
— Do not ask a transgender person when they became trans, they didn’t become transgender because they always were transgender. Instead, ask them when they transitioned (physically), if they are comfortable with that question.
— If you want to know more about transgender people, don’t bother somebody who isn’t comfortable with you poking and prodding them, instead, watch some YouTube videos on the topic, they will answer more questions than you can think of.
trans woman- “Hello. I am a transgender woman and I would appreciate if you would treat me as a normal woman. I would not like the fact that I am transgender to get in the way of how you may perceive me, so just think of me as any other woman thank you.” (and vise versa)
by oofok February 18, 2018
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