3 definitions by omghibirdkiren

A Latin meme that shows a Ugandan Knuckle dancing, while a man speaks Spanish and beatboxes over it.
The words "Agachate y Conocelo" apparently mean "Bend down a meet it". The "It" in this case being a penis. It's basically "Suck my dick", but with vaginal/anal.
by omghibirdkiren June 3, 2020
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Lieakre is a name for a female that is not common, in fact it is highly rare. It is pronounced (LEE-ACK-ER) and it represents someone who is very talented in art related subjects, can be a bit crazy, and can be really quirky.

Person: Did you hear about Lieakre cutting herself over a boy?!
Person2: Yeah, it was crazy. She drew so well and was such a great friend, I can’t associate with her if she does that!
Ex 2:
Person 1: Lieakre is quirky
Person 2: Just because she can draw well?
Person 1: No because she cuts herself!
by omghibirdkiren May 16, 2019
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Warpies is when someone has genital herpes and genital warts, both STDs.
Ethan: I heard Shania got genital Warpies from Andrew!
Ricardo: Thats what she gets for being horny 24/7
Ethan: periodt
by omghibirdkiren June 3, 2020
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