5 definitions by okayillstopbeinghorny

A baddie who seems to have humor. She is beautiful, talented and a wonderful creature found on our small planet. A filmz is something you want to become.
Marc: Out of everything… Filmz is pretty much my favorite!
Heidi: Same bro, same.
by okayillstopbeinghorny August 28, 2021
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synonym of sexy, hot, cute, showstopping, big dick, tight pussy, huge tits, funny and smart all at once
Miranda: I wish i was frscharli :(
Amy: Yeah same no one could ever get to her level.
by okayillstopbeinghorny August 28, 2021
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A man who sleep with, sexts, and confesses his “love” for girls 4-1 years younger than him. But then ultimately leaves them after a month.
Brenda: you were totally a victim of a rayouaep
Linda: Really? But he was really sweet and his dick was humongous://
by okayillstopbeinghorny August 28, 2021
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A blonde woman with a D cup who likes to joke about dicks.
Melissa: Did you hang out with lorifyed yesterday?
Alice: Yeah and they told me that i’m a duck face who should suck their dick :(
by okayillstopbeinghorny August 28, 2021
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PR is a set of best friends where one of them starts with a P and the other with an R. This pair has a love-hate relationship but in the end they would kill for eachother.
Diana: Omg who are those…
Samuel: Those are the PR’s… You better not mess with them.
by okayillstopbeinghorny August 28, 2021
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