1 definition by observationist18

This is just an opinion. Some people have these characteristics but aren't indie. A label isn't who you are, but puts you in a group if the population needs to be sorted based on culture.
Indie Kids are the witty, sarcastic, creative minded thinkers who listen to music that is not on the top 40 or on any radio station. Their way of thinking is different and anyone who isn't as deep as them probably will not understand them.
Indie Kids aren't robots, they have different personalities.
Indie boys usually wear cardigans or sweaters to keep warm, becuase of little body fat. They wear beanies, not because they look cool (most of the time), but because they usually just roll out of bed. They tend to wear moccasins, because well, it's a trend. Though they "don't follow trends," they still are human and following trends is human.
Indie girls usually wear stylish clothing, that resemble 60's hippies, but they shave their legs and arm pitts.
The Indie are very deep people, who appreciate memoirs, and non fictions. They like dry humored movies that most haven't seen, as well as documentaries.
Indie kid's probably don't even know they are, they just fall under this label, since Indie is a music genre, and music is such a big role in peoples lives, it became a steriotype.
I am an innocent bystander, and I don't think I am an indie, but who knows (see above), I just happen to know how they are because of my art school I attend, and my lovely indie boyfriend.
None Indie: "Ouch, what did I trust trip on?"
Indie Kid: "Sorry, let me move my vinal records"

None Indie: "I love Owen Wilson! He's so great."
Indie Kid: "Yeah, he did really well in the Darjeeling Limited"

None Indie: "What's that whistle noise?!"
Indie Kid: "Oh, it's ready. Would you like some hot tea?"

None Indie: "What do you consider a romantic date?"
Indie Kid: "A trip to the art museum, then taking the bus to my favorite diner."

None Indie: "I thought you were giving me a mix CD?"
Indie Kid: "I did say a mix tape."
None Indie: "I didn't think you literally meant TAPE."

None Indie: "So, what's your favorite color?"
Indie Kid: "I can't choose, there are so many beautiful colors in the world, saying just one would open up an even broader category, that's an unfair question."
None Indie: "So... your favorite color is?"
by observationist18 July 22, 2010
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