1 definition by o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

She is a wonderful person to be around and she is a artist. she is a cool person in the room.she is flexible. she is smart.she always gets what she wants and has a a big heart.Everyone that sees her wants to be friend with her. She is pretty.She has her good and bad side and you do not want to be on her bad side. but overall she is a really good friend.she remembers everything so don't expect her to forget something bad you did to her.she is rare to find. once you find her don't let her go because if you do don't expect for her to come back.But overall she is a really good person.
you are being just like a Lezlie and I like it
by o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o June 11, 2020
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