4 definitions by notyourordinarynomdeplume

To be such an old dotard that you can't even remember leaking sensitive information.
Person 1: "Dude, your grandma just told everyone about your childhood trauma!"
Person 2: "Shit, yeah, she is feinsteining hard, maybe we should just kevorkian her already."
by notyourordinarynomdeplume October 5, 2018
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To use a bunch of suckers on the internet for money through crowdfunding, primarily by generalized attacks on genders and hobbies, then crying to twitter when said victims stand up to you.
Person 1: "Those are some pretty sweet hoop earrings and I like the new hair color, but how can you afford them?"
Person 2: "Oh, I totally spent all summer sarkeesing, least I don't have to turn tricks any more."
by notyourordinarynomdeplume October 5, 2018
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To live a rich lifestyle (see gangnam style) funded by claims of oppression on social media enabled by crowdfunding.
Person 1: "Another new car? And more new purple hair dye?"
Person 2: "Yes, I am totally quinning."
by notyourordinarynomdeplume October 5, 2018
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To make a pile of money off of other people, particularly when damaging said people in the process. Similar but more morally dubious than pyramid scheme due to the targeting of a single person for damage, garnering the money from crowdfunding. (see also sarkeesing, quinning.)
Person 1: "How can you afford all these new front doors?"
Person 2: "Oh, I totally forded some cis male scum."
by notyourordinarynomdeplume October 5, 2018
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