4 definitions by notyou

a game similar to pool in that it uses a green felt table, cues, and similar balls, but has 4 balls of different colors adn weights, and very very different rules.
lets play some billiards
by notyou May 18, 2004
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an expression used when there is a lot of crazy shit going on all at once
"shit, that car crashed into the giraffe which got away from the zoo cause some Japanese terrorists were attacking it with sarin gas!"
by notyou May 18, 2004
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spin on a pool ball or billiards ball (they are very different games). Comes from the fact that this technique came here from English players when they brought the game and their skillz here
Damn dude, you see the curve on the ball? That shit had madd english on it.
by notyou May 18, 2004
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Id10T error is a common term used by the IT helpdesk to describe an error on a users confuser.
After repeatedly attempting to help the user fix a confuser glitch, the IT personnel will give up in frustration and claim the error is an “Id 10 T” error and the user needs to contact Microsoft support.
<tech 1> Was that Matt Roberts again?
<tech 2> Yea, this time his monitor screen was all black. I told him it was a Id10T error and he needs a new monitor.
by notyou May 27, 2003
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