1 definition by not.a.ravo

Everyone on the mainland thinks tasmania is where two headed people live but we actually are normal - im not saying im proud to be tasmanian. Because i think its a hole too. Maybe some people are two headed and marry their family like ravo's but im not a ravo so its okay. Some oldies on the mainland and other places in the world think its a beautiful state but I really cant be fussed with trees and forests like whateva =P theres lots of trees and crap in tassie but theres also nice beaches so go the nice beaces.. i prefer the mainland by far but yer anyway ill stop waffling now and go! oh by the way it doesnt ALLWAYS rain in tassie =P
mainland person: tasmania is such a bogan state
me: no its okay but i prefer the mainland
by not.a.ravo May 30, 2005
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