5 definitions by not sure45

Religion that believes "there's something" but that's it, not like agnosticism which is more complicated and pretentious
I am an ambiguist which means that I think "there's something" and that's pretty much it
by not sure45 March 21, 2022
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A band or music artist that can't stick to one musical genre and produces a confusing catalogue because normies are used to everything sounding the same
Person 1: I just heard this album called "Sonshine State Of Mind".

Person 2: I've listened to that album, each song is almost a completely different genre. It's almost like they're Genre Fluid.

Person 3: Best $10 I ever spent
by not sure45 February 3, 2021
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Someone who is conservative and stupid and can't even properly argue their own political view's
Right-Wingtard: "Abortion is bad and whoever aborts is going to hell
Bob: "what about in cases of rape"
Right-Wingtard: "thats different"
by not sure45 July 30, 2013
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That period after receiving a cash injection of disposable where you frivolously spend.
Jeff: Dude, didn't you have like $10,000 last month?

Bob: Yeah man, it's all gone: The moneymoon is over
by not sure45 June 7, 2020
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Ambiguous word for any sport involving a ball getting hit by a stick. Could be anything, golf, baseball, cricket, softball, tennis, squash- it just depends on where you are and what you have in hand.
Caspar and Eddie played a game of whackyball at the Sonshine Country Club
by not sure45 January 24, 2022
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