1 definition by nomekop kings

The act of surreptitiously "kop"-ing Pokemon trading cards in copious amounts, usually in major supermarkets such as Target, Walmart, and, if you are a badass, Toys 'r' us.

It is Pokemon spelled backwards
It is an art of repossession

It is an ongoing, international competition to have nomekop-ed the most packs
--in one session,
--in one's lifetime

Record: (1 session) - 113 packs
Record (Lifetime) - Unknown

An important rule in nomekoping: always leave one or two packs left (these are known as residuals) and push them to the front of the display, so that it appears as though none have been taken.

Yo dawg, I was postin' up down by 'dat Target superstore and some bitch challenged me to a nomekop duel.

Shit! I got caught nomekoping the other day and now I got 8 years in the state penitentiary.
by nomekop kings March 7, 2009
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