4 definitions by nickenchuggets

The newest breed of emperor penguin, evolved by his strikingly orange face and flowing mane.
Penguin 1: Good heavens! What is this magnificent beast?
Penguin 2: Chill out man, its just donald Trump our patriarchal penguin leader.
Penguin Donald: Behold my orange face!
by nickenchuggets January 18, 2017
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Also known as Nutsford, K man, and the Pussyman, this is quite possibly the most utterly moist character that appears on Fresh Meat, played by Joe Thomas with significantly more moistness than his other roles
Fresh Meat fan: Oi, get in here, Kingsley Owen's being insecure and moist again!
Fresh Meat fan 2: Ooh can't miss that!
by nickenchuggets October 17, 2018
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A term applied to older citizens (typically with grandchildren) who occasionally attempt to bust a rhyme.
Guy 1: My grandma tried to do a grandrap freestyle over rap God today
Guy 2: Hahaha how did she do?
Guy 1: She was... magnificent
by nickenchuggets November 5, 2019
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