171 definitions by nicholas d

Extremely high quality (used in reference to a sausage, or a wurst). Synonyms: the best, the shit, the bomb diggity, bomb sausage
John: "This wiener is the wurst!"
Thomas: "No, I think it's the best!"
John: "That's the exact same thing as what I just said."
by nicholas d September 10, 2018
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A conference tournament in NCAA basketball. This term is used especially for mid-major (non-BCS) teams for whom winning the conference tournament is their only shot at getting into the big dance, i.e. the NCAA tournament. This term was coined by ESPN.
Phil: "LeBron James is awesome man. You know, I could have been that good if I had stuck with the game."
Kevin: "No you couldn't have."
Phil: "Dude! I was a big-time NBA prospect before I injured my knee."
Kevin: "No you weren't."
Phil: "Well, no, but I played in college and made it to the NCAA tournament - the big dance!"
Kevin: "No you didn't."
Phil: "No, but my team did play in the little dance and almost won."
Kevin: "No they didn't."
Phil: "No, but I did play in college."
Kevin: "Nope."
Phil: "I mean high school."
Kevin: "Uh-uh."
Phil: "I mean the 8-year-olds league."
Kevin: "No way."
Phil: "Well ok, but I did play in a pick-up game once and scored 10 points."
Kevin: "No you didn't."
Phil: "Well no. How did you know? Is it because I'm white?"
Kevin: "No, it's because you're a one-armed midget. I hate to say it, but basketball just isn't the game for you."
Phil: "Oh yeah, good point. But if I could grow two feet or so - and another arm - then I'd be 5-foot-3 and could be the next Muggsy Bogues."
Kevin: "Nope, sorry. Not a chance."
Phil: "Well I was a world champion in midget tossing...as the projectile."
Kevin: "Now THAT I believe."
by nicholas d March 13, 2009
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1) The Greek letter sigma
2) The summation operator, indicating a series to be summed
3) A synonym for "summer" due to definition (2) above
4) A synonym for "count it" due to definition (2) above, indicating agreement with someone
Guy 1: "Hey man, can't believe tomorrow is June 1st and it's almost Σ. What do you want to do after we finish these Σ exercises for math class? Maybe go to the ΣAE frat party?"
Guy 2: "Nah, let's chill with the broskis and watch '500 Days of Σ' while we drink some White Claw and Aperol spritzers."
Guy 1: "Σ! But it bothers me in that movie how Σ really screwed over JGL, NGL."
Guy 2: "Σ."
by nicholas d August 8, 2023
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A grave. To put someone in a dry spot is to kill them.
"Feel these hot rocks fellas, put you in a dry spot fellas, in a pine box with nine shots from my glock fellas." -Nas, "Ether"

Chaz: "Oh, oh, oh!" *SPLAT!*
Ashley: "Dammit Chaz, you missed and got it all over my face and the bed again."
Chaz: "Oops, my bad. Good night." *rolls over to sleep*
Ashley: "What? Get your ass up! I'm not sleeping in the wet spot over here!"
Chaz: "Hey, it's better than sleeping in a dry spot...am I right?"
Ashley: "Well yeah, but-"
Chaz: "Trying to sleep over here, woman! Pipe down!"
by nicholas d January 5, 2011
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To be currently engaged in (blank) activity, or behaving in the manner of (blank).

NOTE: The exception to the grammatical syntax of this saying is when the word in the blank is "bullshit" or another word ending in "shit." In such a case the second "shit" would be redundant, so it is omitted, and the saying is simply, "on some bullshit."
"Now I ain't even on no rap shit no more.
I'm on some fuckin' you up shit when I see you.
And I will see you too."
-Eminem, "Girls"

Translation: "From the current point on, creating rap music is not not no longer my top priority. On the contrary, I will primarily concern myself with causing you physical harm the next time we encounter each other. As a footnote, rest assured that I such an encounter will indeed occur."
Notice the speaker's cunning usage of a triple negative in the first 'on some (blank) shit' which is meant to confuse the listener.

"But you on some bullshit, nigga.
This yo' last beer.
Get the fuck off my dick
And tell yo' bitch to bring her ass here."
-D12, "Blow My Buzz"

Translation: "However, my African-American acquaintance, the manner in which you are conducting yourself is not appropriate. Since you appear to be intoxicated, I will see to it that you do not consume another fermented malted barley beverage. I demand that you cease your excessive flattery and encourage your female friend to approach me."

"On some real shit.
I gotta be the best.
I gotta stay fresh.
I represent the West."
-Daz, "On Some Real Shit"

Translation: "That which I am about to disclose, I will disclose in absolute honesty. I must achieve the absolute pinnacle of my profession. I must remain stylish and continue to produce original material. I consider myself to be a personification of the entire Western region of the United States."
by nicholas d October 22, 2009
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Even though your mom only goes for three dollars a day, I still get sticker shock every time I chuck it in that whore.
by nicholas d June 14, 2006
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A term describing a very unattractive, usually overweight skank. The person in question usually bears resemblance in size or appearance to a cetacean, ungulate, or similar animal, such as a hippo, orca, beluga, manatee, water buffalo, wildebeest, warthog, rhinoceros, or elephant.
"I necessarily didn't wanna bring home any sort of zoo creatures whatsoever. I mean these broads just probably smelled the food at the house." -Mike "The Situation" on "Jersey Shore"

I followed a smokin' hot girl back to her place from the club after pounding Jager bombs all night. By the morning though, she had magically transformed into some kind of enormous zoo creature. She looked so much like a wildebeest that I wasn't totally sure whether I was in her bedroom or the African savanna. I had no choice but to pull the old beat it and beat it move and be swayze before that disgusting swamp donkey awakened from her slumber.
by nicholas d January 15, 2010
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