2 definitions by nibris

Willfully destroying your own country and culture in a vain attempt to show how open-minded and tolerant you are towards foreigners who are diametrically opposed to everything your country stands for and who frequently commit violent crime against your nation's citizens, such as rape and gangbanging.

The fast track to Swedencide is to indoctrinate the people and poison their minds with white guilt and other cancerous ultra-liberal views that do nothing but convince white people that they are inherently evil for literally no other reason than the color of their skin, and that they must atone for this grievous crime against humanity.
"I heard Canada is punishing white women who are reporting it to the police when a Muslim refugee rapes them. Canada must be trying to commit Swedencide like their autistic cousin across the Atlantic."
by nibris March 3, 2017
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A severe form of autism indicative of someone who not only is willfully disconnected from reality, but is so disconnected that they believe the exact opposite of what reality entails.

To see an example of a sufferer of Special Snowflake Syndrome, view any definition written by Lascau* Othell* on this site (the x and o were omitted for site rules). If you don't immediately see how cancerous and opposed to reality they are, you probably suffer from this disorder as well
Lascau* Othell* is the poster child for Special Snowflake Syndrome. He has constructed a bizarre new universe that is the polar opposite of how things are and he genuinely believes his asinine bullshit is the truth
by nibris June 18, 2017
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