34 definitions by nco

Function: noun
Etymology: Nietzsche: The Super+man 1880à Super=Fag 1998. Derived from a literature character of same name, 1998.

1: A Gay muscle man that gets irate and fights. The character usually fights for himself instead of others.
Superfag was ambushed in the restroom—he smashed the assailants into porcelain, and marked their asses before leaving. Superfag is near invincible.
by nco November 17, 2003
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Adv. Using the nose to move an object. Using the nose to push or destroy.
The italian player narled the ball when it missed his head.
by nco November 16, 2003
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M-W for balance.
*interesting use for UK (above)

Main Entry: 1jig·ger
Pronunciation: 'ji-g&r
Function: noun
Date: 1675
1 : one that jigs or operates a jig
2 : any of several sails
3 : JIG 3a
4 a (1) : a mechanical device usually with a jerky reciprocating motion (2) : a mold or a machine incorporating a revolving mold on which ceramic items (as plates) are formed b : GADGET, DOODAD
5 : a measure used in mixing drinks that usually holds 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 milliliters)


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Main Entry: 2jigger
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from Wolof jiga insect
Date: 1781


Main Entry: 3jigger
Function: verb
Etymology: frequentative of 2jig
Date: 1867
intransitive senses : to jerk up and down
transitive senses : to alter or rearrange especially by manipulating <jigger an election district>
The bartenders in Vegas don't use a jigger-- they just push a button and hold out their hands for some help.
by nco November 24, 2003
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bottle blond, bottle-blond , bottle-blonds

1: Women that make their hair blond, white, platinum, etc by the use of bleach, peroxide, or putting their head in a toilet of said chemicals.
2: ditzy women that want to be known for their bodies instead of their minds.
3: A team of women-rocketeers that succesfully launched two gallons of bleach into the air by H-series engines in 1995. The FFA arrested them shortly after.
"Gentlemen prefer the bottle to bottle blonds." Philipe Nicolini, from Adicus and the Brainchild.
by nco November 24, 2003
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Though most bottle blonds will never bleach their lower hair, there is nothing like fire in the hole to know that the girl is real.
by nco November 24, 2003
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Function: noun
Etymology: West Coast slang; opposite of chick flick; 1985

1: A movie consisting of mostly ethno-male elements, action, saving a woman, revenge for a dead family, etc. The movie usually has back story in which the protagonist is told to be highly specialized, elite, commando, a seer with muscles, he-man, special forces, etc.
2: Any medium (literature, film, ) that is overtly masculine. A Charles Bukowski poem with drunks wooing hookers.
3.) Using the penis as a slingshot, post-ejaculation.
4.) A homosexual movie.
here was no way that John’s date was going to watch a dick flick with him.
by nco November 17, 2003
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Penile Erectile Disorder.

A dysfunction that hinders the rise of the penis.

The secondary conflict in the novel, The Sun Also Rises.
Hemingway had to give his girl to a matador because he suffered from PED.
by nco November 16, 2003
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