4 definitions by naothns

The coomer's paradise, the 4channer's fiance, reddit is Los Angeles when it comes to how polluted the air there is to breathe in. It's toxic. It's stupid. It makes you want to take a shotgun to your balls and watch them fucking explode. Say something that even just barely disagrees with the majority opinion and you will be harassed to shit, sometimes sexually.
Reddit is a shithole, my friend got scolded online for having a slightly opposing opinion.
by naothns November 10, 2020
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Someone who kisses the government's ass. Keep in mind, you can support a good government and not be a bootlicker but sucking up to them no matter how shitty they are makes you one.
Did you hear about that guy who let the MI6 kill his family because he didn't apologize to the chairman's daughter? What a bootlicker.
by naothns January 6, 2021
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A less upfront/rude way of saying ugly.
Guy: Damn, you see that new chick in school? She hot asf!
Guy 2: Nah bro! she look like boingo.
by naothns September 21, 2021
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A very unfunny and retarded breed of jokes. Used only by 8-12 year olds and originating around the time that among us got popular, these consist of hopping into random conversations and saying "red sus", "i vented" etc and expecting everybody to laugh at your most definitely funny and humorous joke that is very original and not overused at all
When I make many funny among us jokes but no rational person even lets out the slightest of giggles
by naothns November 10, 2020
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