4 definitions by naoskji

typically used at the end of a sentence, signifies a person’s unsureness of the next decision/the next following event. it can also be used as a fail-safe when sending risky messages

synonym: idk
typically paired with: just sayin, idk up to you, i dunno, just an idea
person 1: “what do you think of my outfit
person 2: “it would look better on my floor 🤷 ♀️”
by naoskji July 12, 2023
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roblox safe word to say any of the following:
person 1: "i didnt rate you 5 stars in fashion famous"
person 2: "you bumshagger"
by naoskji April 20, 2023
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a way to compliment someones photo you think is fine as hell, usually used in a sexual way by thirsty desperate bitches
person 1: “mm u so fine 🤤🤤”
by naoskji July 14, 2023
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typically used to represent nosebleeds, basically “ur so hot im gonna die”
person 1: “DAYUMM 😵 💫😵 💫”
by naoskji July 12, 2023
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