1 definition by mynameisping

The M1 Garand is a .30 caliber semi-automatic killing machine that the mother fucking U.S of A designed and built for killing Germans, then Koreans, and even the Vietcong. The rifle had an eight round capacity in a little clip that pings when its ejected. Great for killing eight guys, bad for when you run out, because every little rat bastard knows you ran dry. The damn thing was tough as all hell and even if you were out of ammo you could just club the guy to death. Or stick the guy wth the bayonet on the end, your pick really.
"Mr president we need a new weapon."
Prez; " ok, first I want it to shoot a shitload of bullets, no bolt, just when you pull the trigger. Second I want it to have a badass name a real GRAND name."
"M1 Garand sir?"
Prez; "perfect."
by mynameisping February 9, 2018
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